Italy's Major Islands
SICILY- 9,926 sq. mi (26,700 sq. Km) – Population: 4,969,147

The island of Sicily is located on the Southern tip of mainland Italy (just off the “toe” of the Italian boot), and measures 180 mi wide (290 km) by 120 mi long (193 km).
With a population of 5 million, Sicily is the largest Mediterranean island and is seat of a region that embraces the island of Pantelleria, 32 sq. mi. (83 sq. km), and the Lipari group, 44 sq. mi. (114 sq. km).
Sicily has a very rich history, which originated with the Phoenicians finding the Motya colony on Sicily ca. 750 BC (Before Christ.)
Those who desperately want to eliminate references to Christianity suddenly refer to the era Before Christ as Before the Common Era or Before Current Era – “BCE”. Quit that nonsense.
It is and will always be "BC - Before Christ" and "AD - Anno Domini" (anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi). Don't try to re-write history because it does not fit YOUR narrative.
The Phoenicians, one of the earliest civilizations, was a formation of independent coastal city states located on the North African Coast. They were undoubtedly the greatest maritime people, particularly known for their skills in building mighty ships. They have imprinted the early marks of western culture, most notably establishing the first alphabet. Sicily’s history has been very tumultuous. Due to its strategically important geographic location, it has been at the center of many wars.
​(Sources: ancient.eu/timeline; Ancient History Encyclopedia; “Monarchs of Sicily: en.wikipedia.org)

Sicily’s Largest Cities by Population
SARDEGNA -9,301 sq. mi (24,089 sq. Km) - Population 1.65 million

The island of Sardinia (spelled Sardegna in Italian) lies in the Mediterranean, 115 mi. West of Italy’s peninsula and 7 1/2 mi. South of Corsica. Measuring160 mi. long and 68 mi. wide, it is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea.
The breathtaking landscape is mountainous, with mining of coal, zinc rod and copper. Sardinia’s waters are among the most pristine bodies of water in Europe if not the world.

Archipelago della Maddalena

Sardinia’s history dates back to ​the 8th century BC, when the Phoenicians settled in the South and West of the island and created villages and cities at many strategic locations. Given its geography, which includes many natural harbors, the settlements were easily defendable. Most notably is what has become the island’s capital, Cagliari, which today is the largest city of Sardinia and hosts one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean.
Over the centuries, Sardinia was ruled by many civilizations.
In 1720 Sardinia was added to the possessions of the Dukes of Savoy in Piedmont and Savoy to form the Kingdom of Sardinia. Giuseppe Garibaldi is buried on the nearby isle of Caprera.

Sardinia's Largest Cities by Population